Episode 57

2027: A Quantum Vision of Your Future

Step into a vision of your future through this wormhole astrology. In this episode we briefly recap the Lion’s Gate mojo (yes, it is real) and the power of the Aquarius Supermoon Lunar Lammas harvest with Saturn as our sober guide, Mars shift into Gemini Uranus retrograde and Virgo Season.

We culminate with a guided labradorite meditation so that you may harness the power of your intuition. I know you are going to love what is coming through, so tune in.

Time stamps:

22:25 Lions gate & Sirius reflection

34:53 2027

58:25 Mars shifting into Gemini

01:16:40 Guided meditation

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Acknowledgements to Dane Rudhyar, Elias Lonsdale, and Marina Costelloe as their wisdom was sourced in reference to the Sabian Symbols, Starsparks, and Crystal Astrology, respectively.

Ra Ma:

Welcome to stars, stones and stories. I am your host Rama and together we are weaving Ancient Future wisdom as we birth the New Earth. If you're into astrology, cosmology, living mythology, earth based spirituality and ancestral healing, you are home. If you've stumbled upon this podcast and are new to these topics, this is sovereign sanctuary to expand and deepen your wisdom. As a cosmic priestess, I witness many of the threshold of great transformation. I specialize in astrological divination, sacred site activations and priestess arts for the Aquarian Age. You may learn more about my work and budding Mystery School at Earthseedtemplearts.com Or follow Earthseedtemplearts on Instagram. This community is your opportunity to claim your story, your unique identity and power knowing that you are the hero of your own journey. You are a hologram for the collective and you matter. The world needs your gifts and creativity now more than ever. Crystallize your medicine.

Ra Ma:

Oh great ancient ones, great ancestors, we call to you. May you hear the voices of your descendants traversing through time and space. We humbly ask for your support your wise medicine ways and your genius solutions in these times. Dear ancestors, we wish to partner with you for we know we cannot do this alone. As we traverse the mystery we ask that you, our starry ancestors are with us each breath of the way. May we have clarity of mind and Crystaline vision to see through the dark, maybe walk our paths of high holy truth as that is what is needed now more than ever. And so it is.

Ra Ma:

And so we gather in honor of episode 57. We are in this waning moon phase this last quarter moon phase that began with the Leo New Moon. And around that time we had Mars in Taurus coming to meet Uranus in Taurus and the North Node and Taurus, all within the collective astrology. The North nodes journey in Taurus, which began last year, has awakened us even deeper on a collective level to ask ourselves what is it that we truly and honestly value in these times? To sit with this question of what is it that I value? What really matters to me most in life? This is one of the most deep profound questions one could ever ask themselves and answer and since Uranus' shift into Taurus, which began in May of 2018 with that Taurus New Moon so many lunar cycles ago, and then fully anchored in in 2019. Collectively, there has been a lot of upheaval around our collective value systems. And as Uranus in Taurus has reached its midpoint journey beyond its midpoint journey. These are really important questions for us to be asking ourselves on the daily when we find ourselves getting worried or stressed about the world at large and our personal lives and how we're fitting into it. The guiding point is to always come back and say, What is my value system and am I living it because if you're living it, that's what matters most. And throughout this rapid roller coaster that we've all been going through. I mean, I've spoken about Uranus in Taurus and how it's the energy with the various great conjunctions that we went through in 2020. And the different shifting of literally what I believe we're having a shifting of the poles of the earth, and the polarity of our consciousness. It's like a Rubik's cube that keeps shifting and shifting and shifting. And we're being stretched to like taffy and then pulled back together and then stretched out again and then pulled back together. So these times that we're living in require so much from us more than we could have ever imagined. Back when we were innocent, young children, or perhaps not, you know, I think many of us on some level, whether we're unconscious of it or not, made an agreement to come in this lifetime to really do the heavy lifting that perhaps the previous generations and our lineage were not able to fully do. Given the collective climate. And so we're here as these warriors of light on some level. And I know that if you're gathered here in Stars, stones and stories, you're resonating with all of this on some level, because you were attracted you were magnetically brought into this circle. And I just want to say, as we're opening up Episode 57, this is coming out a week delayed. I attempted to record it last Friday. However, I had also made a promise to take myself to the ocean to clear my head. And to get really centered and aligned with myself. As many of you know, I went on an extensive pilgrimage to Egypt, where I brought... I stewarded a pilgrimage for a number of amazing women,

Ra Ma:

and then continue to travel along with my daughter to England and Wales, and came back into my life and the currents that have been very challenging for the last couple of years. And so I needed some time to really get clear on where I am in all of this. Because in the last I mean, really, since 2018, my, my personal life has completely been turned upside down on so many levels. And I had realized that in all of that I hadn't taken time just for me to step away from my daily routines and just be by myself at the ocean, because the circumstances in my life didn't allow for that. And it was a really profound time to do that. So I got to the beach. And it was Friday night. And I was like, and it was it had been raining there. So I couldn't go out like on a full moon walk, which was what I wanted to do. So I was like, great. I'll record my podcast, and I started to record it. And then I was just like, What are you doing, like you came to be with you. And your podcasts can wait like the people who really follow this work, I trust, understand that. There's humanity here. And as much as I love to deliver to you all and be consistent and show up and follow my word when I say I'm going to deliver a podcast every other Friday. And I'm going to send out my new season love notes to you every Friday. I know that you know we're all human and I have to be a leader in showing my humanity as well. And so day by day I thought oh, maybe I'll Recorded and I had a lot to say. But then I just really felt that I needed to let the podcast set for a week and to really attend to myself. And it was good to do that it was powerful to set literally to set and to just gaze at the water, and to not have to talk to anyone to just be really still and quiet. And to allow some of the deeper emotions that I've been carrying in my body to really surface and to allow them to move through. And I've been clearing a lot of grief on a deep conscious level for a number of years. So I was pretty surprised with how much more emerged. And then I actually wasn't, because when I thought about what we're going through, collectively, and what we're all feeling, personally ancestrally. And makes sense. Like, I know that so many of us, myself included, want to get to that place like when are we just gonna be fully in our joy again. And I do believe a time for that is coming. However, it is so sacred and so important to sit with the darker sides of our emotional selves, the darker sides, meaning not dark is in a negative thing, the grief and the sadness and the anger and disappointment. They speak to parts of ourselves that were not fulfilled, that were disappointed that were let down. And it is, I think, important to sit with those parts of solve it and to give them a voice and give them space, especially as we are on a collective journey of ancestral healing in a way that

Ra Ma:

I don't believe humanity has been for many, many decades. It it requires a tenderness and a willingness to allow that which is uncomfortable to be faced, and to move through it. Because when we give space for that, it in the end, it frees us it liberates us. And that's so much of what Uranus and Taurus wishes to do is to really offer us keys to our own physical liberation, our liberation around our value system, our liberation in connection to Mother Earth, and that which is ultimately truly important. If anyone has lived through a natural disaster, they have seen the force of nature coming through to show them what is most important. If we have a shock in our lives, that shock shakes us awake to that which is most important. And Uranus in Taurus is working to shake each one of us awake to our own unique connections to mother earth, to the elements, to the element of air, and fire and water, and ether. And then also as we consider the Dagara medicine wheel, the element of mineral, our connection to the stones and the ancient wisdom that lives in the earth and also lives within our own bodies, and our marrow and our blood. And to this element, this force of nature. That really is our connection to the otherworld. It's hilarious as humans how we're quite often seeking God so far outside of ourselves. When God/goddess/source/frequency/consciousness is literally living within us through our breath, through our cellular memory and in the physical template of the natural world. One of the things I learned from elder Malidoma Some in doing numerous immersions with him and having the great honor of sitting in small intimate spaces and hearing him speak, sometimes for quite some time is how the natural world is so connected to the other world. And literally trees are like portals for these interdimensional, multidimensional beings like the Kontomble, what is known as the little people and many, many different cultures, ranging from elves and fae and dwarves. But for the Dagara, the Kontomble travel through trees. And when I heard him speak about that it resonated so deeply. And it struck me so deeply because it brought me back to my young self in my late teens and early 20s, when I was in college at Hampshire, in Western Massachusetts, and I went to a school with no grades, no tests, no major. And it was phenomenal. It was amazing. But I'll be honest with you, like my first year, I was struggling because I loved the concept of freedom. But I'd never been given that kind of freedom in my life ever. And I knew my soul wanted it, I knew I was deeply creative. But I had been raised within a system where I had to dot the i's, I had to cross the T's. And I had never been given freedom. Like even in the art classes I took growing up in elementary school and middle school in high school, there was a lot of parameters that was given to me around how I was to express my creativity. In fact, I'll never forget when I was seven, and in second grade, and I drew a self portrait, and I got a C on it. And the teacher told me, I didn't do a good enough job. And later on, when I was 10,

Ra Ma:

in fifth grade, and I tried out for chorus, I was one of two people who did not make the choir, because I was told my voice was not good enough. And I knew my higher self, I was so connected, even at those ages, which was such a blessing, because it allowed me to not take that trauma, so so deep into my body, but I'll be honest, it affected me for many, many years, many years. And a couple of decades, it was hard for me to sing in front of people, I felt highly judged. And it was all because one adult told me I couldn't sing. And that happens to so many of us. However, at that time, my higher self was like, look like you've got this. This is one person's perspective and opinion, and all voices matter. And so my point is, is that we've all been through these times in our lives where we have been limited by others. And we've been limited by a system. We have been raised within a system, whether you live in the west or the east, the over culture has penetrated the entire globe of Mother Earth at this time. I think there are very few cultures that have been fully untouched by this over culture. As we're finding our way to our freedom and our creativity. It can be awkward and uncomfortable. And in my early days at Hampshire, I really struggled. I struggled socially, I had never been around the kinds of people at large that I was really connecting with. And I didn't feel like I had the adults in my life like really supporting me as I was going through that process. And so, like, you know, I was struggling and what helped me through some of the darkest times, especially in my first couple of years was a one particular tree. And I would go to this tree and I would sit at the tree and I would climb the tree and I would speak to the tree And I would hug the tree and I would cry to the tree and the tree...the tree and I built a deep connection. And I felt her and she spoke to me. And it was at my time there that I made friends with a number of trees on that campus, it's a beautiful plot of land there. So it was really magical, and also a really challenging time of my life. And it was the force of nature that provided the support, that I was not finding in the world around me from humans, and from the over culture, and really from myself. And so that force of nature taught me how to come home to myself, and how to believe in myself more and more. And I would say on a deeper level, that was when my spiritual connection opened up in a much more authentic way, because I had been exposed to quite a lot growing up. However, that was when I was really finding my own unique, like deep 12 house one on one connection. I believe that the times we're living in are requiring us to be really authentic with ourselves with our value system. And what matters most in our lives. There's a lot of collective fear that we're running out of resources, that there's not enough. And that is a massive broadcast being emitted from the over culture.

Ra Ma:

And so our job, our duty throughout this sacred dance is to root into our own personal belief systems and our own personal value systems. And to build our lives around that to be a complete congruent connection, a complete thread, and to really learn to start to tune out anything that is not part of that congruent thread. So as we began this lunar cycle, we had the Lions Gate alignment, and we had a beautiful, live global gathering for that, where I spoke about how the Lions Gate is a true event. It has astronomical alignments. And this year, the astrology was also very important around the Lions Gate as it was in the previous year. And a lot of astrologers, this year, it was interesting how collectively there were so many astrologers saying the Lions Gate is just fluff. And I'm finding more and more, you know, that's kind of like the debate that's happening in the collective is like, people are taking stances. And I think, ultimately, it's really good. It's really healthy. And I think as, especially as astrologers, when we say that there's an important alignment, we need to be able to back it, because there's a lot of fluff out there. There's a lot of uneducated astrology being practiced out there. There's a lot of confusing astrology out there. And so it's a disservice to the many, many people who are becoming interested in this Art and Science of Astrology. And they want to know, and it's hard to know who or what to trust. So, one thing I just want to share is that, from the beginning of time when astrology emerged in ancient Babylon, astrology and astronomy were always one and the same and I mean, if you think about it, it makes total sense. And they were married for many, many years, all the way up until the time of Kepler. Somehow, through time and space, and this is like a whole other topic. So I'm not going to go deep into it at this moment. But these are things I studied in my Master of Arts, in cultural astronomy and astrology. My degree that I just got, I actually literally got the paper degree in the mail this week. And it's quite beautiful, from the University of Wales. What I want to say is that astrology got distorted like so many of these sacred hermetic arts got distorted. And all of the Mystery School teachings got distorted, and they're still distorted. There's a lot of distortion out there. And social media is great because it helps spread the word, but it also spreads a lot of distortions. And so the times that we're living in, especially with Neptune, in Pisces require for deep discernment, and ability to really see through everything, you're reading everything you're hearing everything you're taking in, and feel the frequency of it, does it feel authentic? Does the channel that is sharing it feel grounded and authentic and rooted? Or does it feel like it's coming from an agenda? Because if it feels like it's coming from an agenda, it probably is. And the truth is, we can all carry agendas, you know, like, none of us are perfect. And that's why these times are so intense, because it's requiring us to really be in our practice, and be rooted and be grounded to keep our channels clear so that we can come through and authenticity and integrity at all times. However, we're

Ra Ma:

all going to make mistakes. And that's also okay. So, I was fascinated how this year around the Lions Gate how there was so much debate. But as we go back in history, astronomy and astrology, were always married. And so yes, the Lions Gate is a real event. And we could say it's a real astrological event because it is a true astronomical event every single year. For the times that we're living in. The heliacal rising of Sirius happens around August eighth. In fact, this year from the Giza Plateau, it was at 4:52am. On August 8 2022, Sirius rose, if you were standing in between the paws of the Sphinx, you would have seen Sirius rise. And that's pretty phenomenal. This is an astronomical event. And this year, the astrology happening around it was really significant because we had that Mars Uranus north node square. It is like a wormhole frequency. And this Lionsgate opened up an opportunity for each one of us to really take on a new layer of our personal evolution to help raise the vibration of Earth, which in turn means doing our own inner work, our own ancestral healing so that we can literally lighten the load of the earth. And as we do that, that is ultimately in service to the collective. The greatest work any of us can do in these times is to do our own and our deep work. And so that means like, working through fear and grief and anger, and transforming any kind of low vibrations that might be carried within the body, transforming it into that alchemical gold. And sometimes that means sitting with what's really uncomfortable and facing it and going through it and feeling it. So for the Egyptians, Sirius, also known as Sopdet, is an extremely important star. And we could say every star out there that we see is actually a sun. And these are homes of some supernatural, higher consciousness and we know that the Egyptians held Sirius in high esteem as they did Orion. Orion in mythology is known to be the home of Osiris, Ousire and Sirius, Sopdet is known to be the home of Great Mother Isis, Auset, Iset.

Ra Ma:

When we look to the Roman time of Egypt, Clement Alexander spoke about How the ancient Egyptians had such advanced knowledge of astronomy. And that when it came to Ancient Egyptians wisdom on astronomy, they had a complete list of fixed stars. They understood the phenomena of the sun and the moon, and had a great understanding of the geography and the five planets and had multiple calendars that they were working from to track time. So in those ancient Egyptian times Sirius would rise, the heliacal rise was closer to the 26th of July, which is also very interesting, because if one is to consider the Mayan calendar, that is the new year after the day out of time, which is the 25th of July, and for the Egyptians, on one level of their calendar, the 26th of July opened up a new planetary year, a new galactic evolution. And in these times that we're living in, in the 2020s, the heliacal rise because of the way the earth shifts is now on August 8, or close to. And so for many of us who track this, we see this Lionsgate portal really being the peak of it, from the eighth of August to the 12th of August. And as you look, you know, you walk through the Giza Plateau, where the Great Pyramid of Khufu, Cafre, and Menkaure live and breathe literally live and breathe. These are living breathing conscious. portals that are transmitters that are receivers of light codes for the earth, from the earth, from other star systems. These pyramids are healing chambers that have so many purposes. And so yeah, this is an important day. And it's a real day. And as we're at this last quarter moon right now, in this Leo season, we're bringing the Leo season to a close. And it is time, you know, it's really time for us to circle back into our heart and to connect to our portal of truth, to connect to the high heart and to see the heart as that sacred time travel device, to have the courage to be in your authenticity. Because what has been so unique to this year's Lions Gate, like I said is that wormhole, the powerful shifts the genius potential... it is like timebending, timefolding, a massive reset with the Mars - how we move energy forward. Uranus - new concepts, new ideas, liberation, and the North Node, our collective destiny. This happening squaring the Leo sun, and has really brought in a potential for great karmic clearing for unexpected shifts in our direction, and to shake us awake. And one of the things I've been sharing around this Lionsgate that I want you to just really take in is that this period that we're in right now, and it's still alive for you, as you're listening right now, is very much essential for laying the foundation for the next five years. I mean, I want to invite you to take a moment and imagine where are you going to be in 2027? Have you thought about that? Like, what do you want to be doing with your life? Who do you want to be surrounded by? What kind of land are you going to be on? What kind of water are you near? What do you do in your day to day time? This is a powerful time to vision yourself within the next year, but also five years from now particularly as you consider yourself in the next five years.

Ra Ma:

Consider through this wormhole astrology that is almost like an eclipse itself that 2027 is already here. And so in 2027, the outer planet landscape is going to look completely different than it does now. We will have Saturn in Aries, Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Aries and Pluto in Aquarius. So we have that fire and air energy, whereas right now we have Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn. And we're coming out of this more dense Earth time for like the social planets Jupiter and Saturn. They've been in this long Earth cycle. This is something I spoke about in episode 16, and 17. And I also.. it was part of what I wrote my dissertation on, for my masters was about the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 2020. And how astrologers, through astrology have been tracking this for so long. But these cycles, when they meet up, when Jupiter and Saturn meet up, and they're in Earth cycles, there's a deeper density to the culture at large. And we're now in this new air cycle. And that is what is taking us into this age of greater technology. Once Uranus enters Gemini, our technology is going to speed up beyond what we can even imagine at this moment. And once Neptune is in Aries, that fire, that passion, that rashness, it, you know, it's gonna, things are gonna get interesting. And so, right now we have a moment to anchor into our values, this is your time to lay the foundation, lay it in a good way, lay it in a conscious way, like, know what you really stand for, and build your life around that. So when 2027 gets here, you are proud of what you are creating. And you know that the structural integrity is as flawless as you could have made it, you know, you've done your best. You know you've considered Mother Earth, and the elements at all times. And you've been in conversation with those great elemental forces. And that's why when we consider these cosmologies, like ancient Egypt, and the heliacal rise of Sirius, that's why we lean into that wisdom, because the Neteru, the word for the gods and goddesses. Netur literally means nature. And what the ancient Egyptians were sharing for us, what they left behind was a deep reverence and a connection to the land and to the earth and an honoring of the cycles of the earth like a deep, real, true, authentic connection. It can look from the outside, like it's all about this mythology and the dance of the gods and the goddesses. And it is, but ultimately, they're all one. They're all the myriad faces of nature, which, in my humble opinion, that's what all of the religions are speaking to, before we got into the monotheistic culture that is really telling us there's one God, and it's outside of us. And it's, you know, we could go into all the layers, but it's from a place of authority and all of that belief which has truth in it, there's truth in all religions, there's truth in all beliefs.

Ra Ma:

However, we're in a time where, whatever it is you're practicing, like, you want it to bring you closer to your truth and authenticity. And that is going to be what is the most important and for many people on the planet that is a form of monotheistic religion. And I think that's beautiful. I was married to a rabbi, I've traveled in Muslim cultures and witnessed that devotion and that reverence, and I grew up being initiated into different forms of Christianity. I have dabbled in areas, arenas of all of monotheism. And so I have respect. I also have respect for the animism of connecting to nature. And I think that where we are in the world is that we want to be very open, to be curious to know that everyone's going to connect in their own authentic way. And that's really what's important is that they're connecting to something, to some higher force. And hopefully, it's a true source point, because there can be distortions, even in these higher forces these higher realms. So as we consider Sothis, Sopdet, and this heliacal rising of the brilliant star Sirius, this is a time where today we can allow this to be alive for us, there's been a rebirth. And in fact, here in Asheville, the heliacal rise of Sirius took place on the 13th of August. So it's just coming. And for people on the west coast of California, I didn't look at the date, but it's probably closer to the 17th of August. So what I'm hoping this awakens within you is somewhere where you can feel a greater growing alliance with the stars out there, the sun's out there, and that these are alliances through your own star, your families. And as we journey through stars, stones and stories, it is a prayer that each one of us can go the distance in these times, as we're truly entering. We have entered we're living within a quantum field right now. I mean, we could say 2027 is already here, through Quantum Time and space. And so what are you doing with your life? Where is it aligned, and in that there's so much acceleration happening in our daily lives, but also in our physical bodies, we're becoming more and more light, which means that connection to daily practice is so important. And I really hope that you're signed up for my Venusian Love Notes, because part of what I've been working on in this month of August, and I'm getting ready to deliver is a beautiful gift for all of my readers about daily practice and how you can cultivate one. That's very simple. And that is your own unique practice. So if you're not receiving those, please take a moment, you can click within the show notes, and you'll see where you can click and sign up to receive those love letters that come out once a week. Because we're clearing so much trauma, and also simultaneously opening up to these higher vibrations of creation that we just haven't been available to be aware of, because we've been so dense here on Earth, and we're becoming more and more light.

Ra Ma:

As the body of Earth is letting go, shedding the distortions and the discordant energy, things that have been deeply buried within the earth. They're coming out of our bodies, they're coming out of the Earth's. And so this shedding also creates a space where... that's why it's important to have time for stillness, to have time to process, to clear the emotions, to be willing to go into the parts of our psyche where there is a lot of question, where there's a lot of lack of clarity and to allow that to transmute, to allow that fear to transmute because it really comes... everything is either love or fear on this planet. So it's a form of fear and allow yourself to purge that within yourself. As you're purging that within yourself, you're opening up to these higher vibrations, so that you couldn't be in service to true love, true light, like the truth of it, you can literally radiate it from within. When you're at a space where you're radiating that from within, you become magnetic, and everything that you need to survive and thrive here on Earth, magnetically comes to you. It's very swift, and it can be very seamless. So part of our transition right now is to clear that draw us personally. And as you are committed to clearing your dross, as I'm committed to clearing my dross, we are together raising that collective frequency so the earth is able to transmute the dross, we're all working in symbiosis. And that is what true ascension is. Ascension is not leaving the planet, ascension is not leaving your body, please, we need to be in our bodies. Our bodies are divine, holy temples, and the body will never lie, your body is your greatest ally, your body will always protect you. If you don't feel safe around someone. There's a reason, right? If you don't feel good about something, there's a reason. The most primal important thing we can do in these times is to learn how to come into our bodies, and to feel our bodies truth and to listen to that. And so what this true ascension processes as we're going into this time, where we're shifting where these outer planets are going from water and earth, into air and fire, we're literally purifying our bodies, literally into light frequency. So this is a very exciting time. And I know that this Leo season has, it's been a lot for us, like there's been a lot of expansion, there's been a lot of reset. And there's also been a lot of like, like really deep stuff coming up that we thought like, "wow, you know, I thought I had already cleared that." And then there's like this whole other layer. So I just, you know, in this episode, my prayer is to really from my heart to just encourage you to keep up on the path.

Ra Ma:

I know that some days it feels really brutal, being in this human body. I want to remind you that your body is the most holiest gift you've been given in this lifetime, it is your living Temple of Light, it may not always feel like a Temple of Light. There are so many things we're navigating in this world of being human in 2022 from the toxins in the food and the water and the air, and the EMF radiation and, you know, 5g, and just all the things you know, trying to keep up with our finances, working to live our passions, raising the next generations in a way where we weren't even taught how to do it by our own parents and our own elders. And just longing so deeply longing for the village, right longing for our communities, our people, longing for elders longing for mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and aunties and uncles, and longing for playgrounds that are really safe, where like, they're not sprayed with pesticides and weird chemicals. And, I mean, it's just so much being human right now. And I want to be that voice to say, you've got this we've got this. We just got to keep coming back to the body and keep burning off the dross and allowing what wants to move through you to move through you because it's not always going to feel like this. We are coming to a place where things are gonna start to get lighter and brighter. And so this is the time to really do our deep foundational work, to move through any emotional chaos, paranoia and fear, to move through it with the breath, with meditation, with chanting, with sound frequency, with light and color frequency, we are in the Aquarian Age. This is an age of experience. It is an age where the language is astrology, and where frequency is everything. And so your job is to know yourself, know thyself, so that you can feel what you're feeling, you can feel what your body is telling you and you know, and so you know how to move forward in this world.

Ra Ma:

So I just want to remind you, again, make sure you're receiving the Venusian Love Notes, you can sign up in the bio, and I want to share just a couple of events I have coming up and then we're going to speak about some more astrological aspects. On the 23rd of August, I'm offering a Mars masterclass, this is a Tuesday evening 8 to 10pm Eastern Daylight Time. It is virtually being taught and it will be recorded. Mars is shifting into Gemini on this Saturday. And Mars is going to be in Gemini, all the way through March of 2023. So I am offering a live global teaching so that you can help to discern within your own life, your own chart. What's the twins wish to offer you with this Mars in Gemini and this really important retrograde that we have coming up that's going to take us through the end of the year. We have a lot of Retrogrades that start. They start next month. Well, they're already already here. I mean, we've got Saturn retrograde, Uranus is about to go retrograde, we have Chiron retrograde, but by the time we get to October, there's a lot of retrograde motion, including Mercury and Mars and that Mars Retrograde is going to take place throughout the entire end of the year through eclipse season. This is where we say buckle up buttercups. You know it's... I know we don't want to hear this, but it's gonna get a little bumpy. So I want you to be fully aligned with how to work with this Mars frequency. And this is super important in this year of Hieros Gamos. We've been talking about this all year long. This is the year of the lovers and year of Hieros Gamos. And so Mars Retrograde in Gemini is going to really assist each one of us with working with that Hierosgamos energy. And I want you to be as conscious as you can

Ra Ma:

to be prepared. And then on the 26th of August, I'm offering for the locals in Appalachia, the Virgo Dark Moon women's wisdom Council in West Asheville. And then from the 26th through the 31st of August, I am opening up the pre registration for my Celestial Arts Foundational Astrology Course. And I hope you're going to sign up and join. This has been many many, many moons coming I've been wanting to birth this I do struggle a little bit with perfectionism. I will admit it, I've got four planets in Virgo. Three of them are in the 12th house. It is not easy. It is not easy with a strong 12th house I have been working so hard with building this course for you all... there's so much I want to offer you and I have like a whole vision we're going to start with the basics. Because as I've said, you know astrology is a language. You don't learn French by you know, just starting off conjugating verbs. You know, you've got to like start with the basics. So, we're going to start with the basics. I think this fall is the perfect time to do it. I'm actually going to do it in honor of Mercury Retrograde which I know you know, some people will be like, "Oh my gosh, Mercury Retrograde you're gonna teach, like, you're gonna launch something" and it's like, yeah, I am. Because Mercury rules the hermetic arts. Mercury is Thoth, Tahuti. And when we go into that retrograde, retrograde space, we get really liminal. So it's going to be a beautiful time to circle up together to study astrology. Please, again, make sure you're receiving the Venusian Love Notes. And if you come to the Mars Masterclass, you're going to have a special opportunity to receive a special gift, if you know, if you're called to sign up for this foundational astrology course. Finally, starting in mid September I will be offering for the locals here in Appalachia a ;Be your own healer, yoga meditation sound bath series', which will be on Mondays from 6 to 8pm from mid September and take us into mid October. So stay tuned. If you're called to support this work. I invite you, there's many ways you can do it. One is investing in yourself in a divination, working with your astrology. If you've never had an opportunity to look in depth into your natal chart, I have two different options. I have an in depth session and a mini natal session. And those are really important places to start. If you feel like your budget cannot afford that, there are drop in sessions that are available and you can also add on Tarot. And if you feel seasoned with knowing your natal chart, the seed of potential of who you are, there are so many other ways to approach astrology. Once you really know that foundation, there's a lot we can look at and explore together. Astrology is so phenomenal. And I'm so grateful for this craft. It has been a constant in my life since I was 13, 14. And it has helped me understand myself and the people around me and the collective and just my place here on earth and in the cosmos through time and space. So if you are called to support the work in other ways, you can also send a donation through Venmo @Ramatribe. And also I have a Patreon page patreon.com/Ramatribe where you can look at some of the different offerings there and how you might want to help support this process these stars, stones and stories transmissions to continue to come your way. You know we had that super Full Moon Lunar Lammass with the Aquarius Full Moon that was on Thursday of last week it was conjunct Saturn. So it was literally tight as a T, T- square, lots of tension, allowing us to really see full on where the changes need to be made. And as I mentioned today is the last quarter moon. It is in Taurus. So we're in that final phase of the moon as the moon prepares to go into the dark moon. And this is a time of looking back. Looking back at the intentions we seeded with the Leo New Moon and seeing what feels aligned. And what we want to take with us into the next lunar cycle. And seeing what does not align with our values. And what it's time to just pull up and put in the compost. This is all about how are we tending our garden, our inner landscape.

Ra Ma:

And as I mentioned on Saturday, August 20 at 3:56am That's Eastern Daylight Time. We have Mars shifting into Gemini. Now Mars is all about how we move energy forward, how we take action, how we take initiative, Mars is our willpower, it is our vitality. And there's so much to share about this transit. It's very important as I mentioned, because we will have Mars in Gemini until March of 2023. Mars will go retrograde October 30 and be retrograde all the way until the 12th of January. And Mars will enter that pre retrograde shadow on the third of September. So it's just around the corner. So we're just about to enter the Mars Retrograde time and will already be in the Mercury Retrograde shadow. And so Retrogrades are, as I mentioned, you know, when these planets go retrograde they take us deeper within and so Mars Retrograde really is going to be asking us how are we using our lifeforce. How are we using our will and vitality? What are you using your lifeforce for? What do you do with your energy all day? You know I hear so many people saying, "Oh, I don't have time for that. I don't have time for this, I don't have time for that. I don't have time to meditate. I don't have time to take care of myself. I don't have time to make art. I don't have time to make love." And then I say, Okay, how, how often are you scrolling on Instagram, or Facebook or whatever, you know, Tiktok, whatever, like social media app, they're scrolling on. And a lot of these people will smile, because then it's like, oh, I mean, if you get your weekly screen report, you can see how much time you've spent on a device. And so I think we can all know that we have time, we're all given time, in our lives, and in our days. And we get to choose how we're spending our time, that is our value system right there. If you say, you know, my value system is to be one with the earth, to offer the earth appreciation. And, you know, I'm going to go out and hike and whatever, you know, whatever the things are, but then, in actuality, what you're doing is you're spending the majority of your day, cooped up in a car, sitting in front of a computer and scrolling on a device, and maybe shoveling some food into your mouth a couple of times, just so your blood sugar stays balanced. What you've said, and what you're doing are actually two very different things. And so on an intellectual level, your value system might be something much different. But on a physical mundane level of what you're actually doing with your physical body in time and space, is something completely different. And I see this, I mean, I have been there. Like I just finished grad school, I spent a lot of time on a computer much more time than I had wanted to. And that's part of the reason why really since 2020, I've been so spotty on social media, and I've been more and more just taking more time for myself to be outdoors, to slow down, to be in nature, and to take the pressure off myself to meet certain imposed deadlines. So that my value system is congruent with what I'm doing in time and space. So Mars Retrograde is offering us a time, a portal, a literal window of time, from September through January of 2023. To say, okay, you know, I'm traveling this part of your chart, what do you want to do with it? What are you going to do about it? How are you going to align deeper into your value system. And there's a lot of spiritual, ancient kind of frequencies tied in with this Mars in Gemini journey, and the retrograde and I'll speak more about that in the global teaching the Mars masterclass, which is going to be Tuesday, the 23rd of August, I hope you'll join us. And I also want to say, I never turn people away. I don't like advertise this on print in my website, but if you want to attend a teaching, and you're not able to pay the full investment, please always feel free to send a message and I will make sure we can get you in and it's affordable for you.

Ra Ma:

And that goes for all of my readings, all of my offerings. And the only place I'm not able to make that adjustment is on pilgrimage because the pilgrimage piece is such a massive investment. And quite often I am alongside of you investing for those journeys. So my long term vision is to get to a place where I have a juicy scholarship fund where I can also offer scholarships for people to journey on pilgrimage who would not otherwise be able to fully afford it. So that is a long term vision of mine and I have been able to offer it in the past on a couple of pilgrimages, but it's not something I've been able to swing, every single pilgrimage. And as I'm growing with the Earthseedtemplearts, and as I'm developing a team of support, then these things will come more into fruition. And so there's more to share about all of that, in due time. But I just want to say there's a lot going on behind the scenes to really strengthen the foundations of Earthseedtemplearts, and to make everything work more smooth and succinct, so that my energy is going exactly where it needs to and I have the support that I haven't had in the past years so that this vision and mission can grow through the Aquarian Age, and really be of service service for so many people. Because I hear from so many of you such amazing messages, and I love it when you send your messages in about how you're touched by these episodes. It means a lot to me, because I'm human like you, and so I also go through dark times and challenges and intensity and times where I question is, is this worth my time? Am I actually... what I'm investing here is actually supporting people. And so when I hear your stories, it's very affirming. And that's why I really see this podcast... It's like a ceremonial community that we're building here. I don't see this as just an opportunity for me to throw a bunch of information to you, it's an opportunity to come and sit together in sacred space. I sit here at the feet of my ancestors. And I share deeply from my heart and I'm very careful about what I craft to bring into these episodes in a prayer that it is something that feeds your soul, as it's feeding mine simultaneously.

Ra Ma:

So we enter Virgo season on the 22nd of August, and the sun shifts into the sign of virgo. That's Monday, the 22nd at 11:16pm. It's a time where we want to come deeper into our body temple, that awareness of how this is holy space, it's a good time of year to pause and ask yourself like how am I taking care of my physical body? am I drinking enough? Am I eating foods that really nourish me that I digest well? Am I sleeping enough? Am I getting enough movement, and you know, life is a dance, it's a harmony, we all go through periods where we're not eating the right foods, or we're not drinking enough, or we're not exercising enough. And we just make adjustments. It's not about beating ourselves up. That part of Virgo gets overly dramatized in pop astrology and it's real. And it's true. I mean, Virgos can be highly self critical, and very hard on themselves. I mean, I can raise my hand to that, because I've got four planets in Virgo and three of them are personal planets. So I get this on a deep, deep level very deep. And

Ra Ma:

like this is also why it's kind of like back to school season, you know, for so many, especially in the northern hemisphere, we're entering in. We're coming into fall soon. It's like, time to study time to like, prepare our bodies for winter and like, you know, it's a good time of year to cleanse or, like get rid of things like all the things we've been talking about in this episode are totally helping you prepare for Virgo season. And then on the 24th of Wednesday, Uranus goes retrograde at 18 degrees 55 arc minutes at 9:54am Eastern Daylight Time. And so this comes to you 19 degrees Taurus, and the Sabian symbol for this is a new continent rising out of the ocean. It is a newly formed continent rising majestically from the ocean. How when the mind has been emptied and light has been called upon to purify the consciousness. It may be free from attachment and contamination, so that a new release of life may emerge out of the infinite ocean of potential, the Virgin space. And I think that's so fitting because we will literally have just had the sun shift into Virgo. And Virgo connects to the Virgin. And I actually see Virgo also very much connected to Great Mother Isis, because I see Virgo as like the celestial frequency of Ma. And the Virgin has been so misunderstood through time and space. Virgin is one who is sovereign over their body, over their domain. Virgin is one who makes their own rules and knows how to move through time and space. And so with Uranus shifting retrograde, it is a possibility to look to the past, to look to the future. How can you transmute any past glories into something brand new that takes your breath away? How can you reconstitute what has happened and create new patterns, new waves of thought, to shift this is the practice of the alchemist to shift that dross that dark matter into the alchemical gold and Uranus and Taurus wants to help us with that through this retrograde. What we've spoken about our values, this is such a key time to anchor into your value system. And if you like to work with stones, Peridot is very aligned with 19 degrees Taurus. It's also known as Olivine. I personally call it Peridot. And in my course Earthseed we talk a lot about Periodt. It is the stone that we pair with the heart chakra. And the heart chakra as the space of our time travel device as our heart is the only organ within Taoists philosophy that allows us to travel through time and space. And when we consider the main seven chakras in the physical body, the heart is the bridge. It is the bridge between the lower chakras and the upper chakras. And we also have this divide happening on the planet right now, right, like we've got the divide between, well, we could say the 3D earthers, who are like so focused on the material world, all they care about is their crypto balance. And, you know, having like five properties and their luxury car, whatever the thing is, right? Or, you know, the flip side could be someone who's really, you know, maybe not at that status of luxury, but they're so focused in their daily life on how to get there. They're working, working, working so hard. They're so in those lower chakras. And then on the flip side, we've got like the 5 D earthers, who are like imbibing on plant medicine every week, like going from ceremony to ceremony, really up in their upper chakras, but not actually in the physical body at all. I'm obviously giving extremes of both I just want to be clear,

Ra Ma:

I'm painting a picture. It's a metaphor, please don't take me literally. But point is, is that we really don't want to be either of those. We want as we're coming into this Virgo season, as we're aligning deeper with our values as we're honoring Uranus, going retrograde in Taurus preparing for this important fall retrograde season that brings us into eclipse season that brings us to the completion of the year of Hieros Gamos. This is the time to anchor into our values to anchor into our bodies. And so through the heart, through Peridot, at that heart chakra, we can deeply route to the earth as we open and connect to our three lower chakras. And we can also draw upon that cosmic consciousness is we're in our upper chakras. However, we're always coming in through the heart and we're always anchored to the earth and that is what is so key. So, this Uranus retrograde is offering us a space to traverse newfound lands and for spirit to provide you with every opportunity to succeed. And finally, we have on the 25th of Thursday, Mercury shifting into the sign of Libra, also preparing for retrograde season. So we're gonna close out this episode here, I have new meditations I want to deliver to you all in future episodes. However, for now, where we are with the journey and there will be more coming. And you can expect episode 58 to be delivered Friday, the 26th of August.

Ra Ma:

And so until then, Mary meet and Mary part and Mary meet again. Blessed be to the east, to the south, to the west to the north, may there be peace to all directions, deep into the heart of Mother Earth, and out throughout the cosmos. And may that peace thread straight through your chamber of truth, the portals of your heart. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is. Ashe.

Ra Ma:

Please take a moment and prepare for meditation. So, pause here if you're not able to dive in with us. And check out the timestamp. Come back around and you'll find yourself seated or lying down all of your biological needs tended to, devices turned off all of distractions, pre emped. So you can be fully present here and now. And so taking your seat or coming to lie down, allow the breath to expand in and out through the lungs.

Ra Ma:

And as you're breathing, allow the breath to sink you deeper and deeper so that the weight of gravity anchors you. And you feel so held here and now. And with each breath, every cell of your being every particle of your blood, every muscle, every bone, every joint, every hair just becomes more and more relaxed. And you allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into this stillness into this complete relaxation. That beautiful relaxation starts to move through all of you like this Ambrosial Nectar from the other world, covering your full body. And as you do so, you just allow yourself from the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet and the base of your spine to anchored deep down, all the way down deep, deep down into the core of Mother Earth. Where beautiful great grandmother hematite is ready to welcome you and all of your ancestors are gathered. And you trust that the healthy Well, ancestors are really guiding this ancestral space. So you just feel the backing of all of your ancestors, including your bloodline, your soul ancestors, your star ancestors. You feel this magnitude of collective wisdom here. And with this grounding and anchoring, you also feel yourself connected to the heart of the great mother. And as you're connected to the heart of the Great Mother, you find yourself swimming in this vast cosmic sea. In this vast cosmic sea, you're swimming and swimming, perhaps you're swimming over waves and under waves, perhaps you're all the way under the water. Just notice where you are and continue to swim. And wherever you are, you find yourself diving down really, really deep. And you come to the gates of this beautiful temple. And as you swim through the gate of this beautiful temple, you come and you enter within this pyramid, and you find that you are easily breathing here, as you're underwater in this temple. And you're swimming, but you can also walk, you're able to move in whatever way you wish. And this temple is filled with a beautiful Crystaline floor that has very dark blue, grey green spaces, and then flashes of the most Blue, red gold light. And as the flashes appear, you see lights and frequencies move about the space. And you come to sit or lie down in the center of the pyramid on this Labradorite floor, you Come lie down or sit. And you begin to meditate here. And as you meditate, you find within the palm of each hand appears the most beautiful sphere of Labradorite. This beautiful soft palm stone, the feels timeless, and anchoring all at once. And as you hold these stones within the palms of your hands, and you begin to breathe and relax even deeper,

Ra Ma:

the cells of your being begin to merge with the cells of these stones, and the being of this ancient temple, this Labrador essence. And you find that you're able to begin to perceive the memories that have been placed within these stones, the timelines. And as you're breathing and visioning, you come to the great awareness that it was you in other forms, spaces and places that placed these memories within these stones. And as you're holding these vast record keepers and the palms of your hands, you bow to the wisdom as you merge your DNA with the DNA of this crystal. And you find yourself in this vast cosmic ocean in this light temple. You see within your mind's eye. Within this pyramid, you see the light shifting so many different colors and forms. And you find that you have this ability to heal to grow anything you desire here and now. You can heal entire planets and star systems. You can heal entire populations and lineages. You can heal entire cities and outcomes. And with your magnificence with the codes of wisdom you carry here and now. You journey through your mind's eye. Activating deep within Mother Earth, the grids through the crystals and the grids through your body. You feel the determination, the elegance, the courage, the high intelligence, you feel this potency here and now. And you know that you are protected in this work. You have ancient protection, moving all around you and grounding you and rooting you. So you continue to journey and witness and vision, holding the highest frequency as you understand this is a great responsibility to do this work, and you honor it.

Ra Ma:

And when you feel complete, you place the stones down. And if not already, you come to lie down on the floor of this temple. And immediately you feel this force, the spiral force move through your body, and you become a vacuum of light and you spiral up and out through the filaments of light of this temple, you spiral up and out. And you spiral up and out immediately into your physical body, your human body temple. And you arrive in the center of your mind's eye. Your third eye space, you arrive. And you seed this timeline, the story in your mind's eye here and now. And as a form of confirmation, you take three long, deep breaths.

Ra Ma:

As you continue to breathe, you begin to wiggle through the fingers and the toes and circle through the wrists and the ankles. You rub together the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. And then you take your hands to your eyes and you cup your eyes and you breathe long deep breaths here

Ra Ma:

and then you hug your knees into your chest and you rock side to side. And then you rock front to back. And you continue to rock perhaps coming all the way up to your seat or you roll to your right side and push your way up to sit.

Ra Ma:

And you take a moment you take your right hand to your womb space, your left hand to your heart. You focus at the third eye, you hold within the third eye and within the heart and within your womb space. All beings regardless of gender have this womb cave of creation. You see it within these three grills the wisdom of this journey you imprinted with benevolent intelligence and possibility and you say "I am a vibrational match to all of my desires. I am a vibrational match to all of my desires. I am a vibrational match to all of my desires." And so it is, and so it is, and so it is, blessed be.

Ra Ma:

I'd like to share this prayer with you to close our circle, prayer for stability. "I stand today and for all times, as a wise and loving adult in this world. I trust myself and I trust in the goodness in all hearts. I hold love and stability in this world and fashion my life accordingly. I honor and respect those who may be fearful and recognize that many are still young. I will live with my eyes, ears and heart open, I will build the life I came to build. And so it is."

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Stars, Stones and Stories: Ancient Future Myth & Astrology
Stars, Stones and Stories: Ancient Future Myth & Astrology
Crystalize Your Medicine

About your host

Profile picture for Ra Ma

Ra Ma

Awaken Your Star Heritage through Goddess Astrology, Cosmology, and Pilgrimage within GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA.

RaMa Danielle-Marie, the pillar of this Ancient Future Mystery School is an interdisciplinary artist, international woman of medicine, alchemical astrologer, cosmic high priestess, doula, childbirth educator, herbalist, gridkeeper, pilgrimage steward, sound healer and yogic scientist. She has studied the art of starkeeping for over 30 years and holds a Master of Arts in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology with Merit through The Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales.

RaMa practices Goddess Astrology, her alchemical blend of Ancient and Modern Western techniques that activate the Ancient Future Feminine frequency within you. RaMa is dedicated to aligning the spiritual realms with academic intelligence. Her astrological practice leans upon yogic philosophy and an extensive practice of mediation, sound healing, ancestral healing and Daoist stone medicine.

RaMa offers Quantum Healing Hypnosis journeys as taught by Dolores Cannon, serving as a consciousness midwife. She leads annual pilgrimages upon the Magdalene Trail to Egypt, Avalon and the South of France.

GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA Ancient Future Mystery School houses a living library of courses like RaMa's signature EarthSeed and Skywalkers. A thriving private online community is woven through The Chalice. Initiates are led on a path of deep internal self-discovery with programs like Goddess Astrology and Grail Quest.

You may discover more at ancientfuturemystery.school where every offering is a living prayer for you to Cultivate Deep Roots and Make Miracles with the Cosmos.