Episode 100

Longing to Belong

Welcome to this special 100th Anniversary Episode!

Drop into this episode to receive insights about how you may work with September's Virgo New Moon and Mercury Direct. RaMa will also guide you through this sacred Equinox portal with ritual ideas so that you may celebrate this time of transition with your beloveds.

Receive Your Gift from Ra Ma: Weekly Venusian Love Notes and the 7 Keys to Cultivate Your Unique Daily Practice

Current Offerings to Nourish You in These Radical Times:::

Book Your 1:1 Divination Session with RaMa for crystalline clarity

Transcend the Chaos with MA MAGICK: A Monthly Journey into Meditation, Star Medicine, God(dess) Consciousness and Elemental Wisdom. Join this astrologically based community of Wisdomkeepers at this link.

EQUINOX OPPORTUNITY: Join Ra Ma at the 2023 Global Pyramid Network Conference 22-24 September in Chicago. This year's theme is Pyramid Secrets and Ra Ma will be presenting The Mystery of Pyramids as Portals for Timebending

ARIES FULL MOON COSMIC SOUND BATH: This event welcomes you from anywhere in the world. RaMa will offer an astrological transmission of the Aries Full Moon energies, a guided meditation and then you may fully relax in the healing resonance of this sound bath. If you are unable to attend live, a recording will be sent out asap after the event.

LIBRA DARK MOON WOMEN'S WISDOM COUNCIL: This event is held in person in West Asheville for women on Friday 13th October 7-9 pm.

How you may sustain the work:

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Visit EarthSeed Temple Arts and Ra Ma's mystery school to learn more

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Do You Feel the Call to Activate the Earth's Chakras? Discover the details about future pilgrimages. . . email support@earthseedtemplearts.com to get on the VIP PILGRIMAGE LIST

Ra Ma:

Welcome to stars, stones and stories. I am your host Rama and together we are weaving Ancient Future wisdom as we birth the New Earth. If you're into astrology, cosmology, living mythology, earth based spirituality and ancestral healing, you are home. If you've stumbled upon this podcast and are new to these topics, this is sovereign sanctuary to expand and deepen your wisdom. As a cosmic priestess, I witness many at the threshold of great transformation. I specialize in astrological divination, sacred site activations and priestess arts for the Aquarian Age. You may learn more about my work and budding Mystery School at Earthseedtemplearts.com, or follow Earthseedtemplearts on Instagram. This community is your opportunity to claim your story, your unique identity and power. Knowing that you are the hero of your own journey. You are a hologram for the collective and you matter. The world needs your gifts and creativity now more than ever. Crystallize your medicine.

Ra Ma:

Oh great ancient ones, great ancestors, we call to you. May you hear the voices of your descendants traversing through time and space. We humbly ask for your support, your wise medicine ways and your genius solutions in these times. Dear ancestors, we wish to partner with you for we know we cannot do this alone. As we traverse the mystery we ask that you, our starry ancestors are with us each breath of the way. May we have clarity of mind and Crystaline vision to see through the dark. May we walk our paths of high holy truth as that is what is needed now more than ever. And so it is.

Ra Ma:

Welcome to the 100th anniversary episode of Stars, stones and stories. I am so grateful for our ancestors for bringing us together, for our guides and our guardians for bringing us to this Now moment. I am so grateful for you. I could not do this podcast without you. You are the committed ones who keep coming back time and again, episode after episode. And I know that I may not know you personally. And I know that some of the listeners here sort of stay out on the edges of time and space, kind of hid in. And then I know that some of you I do know quite well we've circled together in many capacities, and you might be new to this podcast. And so wherever you are in your journey, whatever level you come into this Earthseed temple arts community, I want you to know that you are most welcome to show up to arrive exactly as you are in your fullness as a human being in your shadow, in your light, in your fear, in your happiness, in your expansion, in your contraction, or however it is that you come to these offerings that I curate, I craft with so much love and devotion through Earthseed temple arts.

Ra Ma:

And I have to just take a moment because I feel like sometimes in our world, especially these days, so many of us we're just creating, creating, creating and sometimes we do not take a moment to reflect on how far we've come. And so I want to take a moment to honor myself in this journey of offering these podcasts for you over the past three years consistently delivering these podcast. To be honest, the content that I am sharing with you, it emerges from deep within. And in order to produce consistently for you, I have to stay connected to my inner truth, I must continue with my daily practice, I must continue to do my own work of purification, transformation, reflection, integration, rebirth renewal, again and again. And again, there really is no room for error in that process.

Ra Ma:

And I just want to open up this 100th episode by sharing all of this with you with with you as one of my beloved listeners that I feel like in some ways, you know, we're seated at a glorious fire held in, in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains, where I'm most likely usually recording these pods for you. And we're seated around this ceremonial fire that is being lovingly tended to and where offerings are being continually given for our ancestors and the elementals are circling through us and around us and inspiring us. And we can hear all the beautiful sounds of nature, and we're gazing up at the stars. And we feel that sense of community, we feel that sense of belonging, a sense that so many of us as humans, we really long to belong, and for me, community as a balm for these times, I also realized that for many of us, we, for all of us on this planet, we are in the midst of a cultural renaissance, we are living between worlds, we are living between realms. And our culture, as we have known it for so long has been shifting, it is cycling out. The old ways are dying, so that new ways can come forth.

Ra Ma:

And I feel it is so important to honor this time of transition, to really honor where we've been as a collective of humanity. I know that there are many people who are angry and frustrated about our history, and when we can look to the past of colonialism and imperialism. And where colonization has brought us to this moment where in many regards, humanity is branded by corporations. And in many ways we have been bought and sold every single human on this planet. And we're at a time where we're closing out that cycle. And as we're closing out that cycle, these so called corporate giants are working really hard to take their last gasp and keeping many people in a state of confusion and debilitation and fear. And there's that saying that it is darkest before dawn. And that is really what we're experiencing now on our planet, there is a sensation of darkness that many people are facing, we are seeing so many Earth changes, we are seeing struggles with people through people with so much polarization and disagreement and categorization. It's a wild time to be human on this earth. And for me, I just keep coming back to my center. And I keep coming back to my gratitude. And that's what I have to offer for you, especially in this episode, where we're exploring this theme of longing to belong. And so I wish to say I'm grateful for the Neteru, the spirits of nature, the gods and the goddesses for the realm of nature for the great elemental mothers, our true ancestors. And I wish to remind you that this is a year of nature. This is the Year of the Rabbit, the year of the chariot. It is a year to move energy forward by leaps and bounds and then to pause and reflect and integrate and once more move through leaps and bounds and a part of my soul has always had this sense of longing to belong and it is something that came into my reality in the great time that I had with Elder Malidoma. So maybe before he transitioned to the other world in 2021 that Eclipse that closed out the year through the Dagara cosmology and Elder Malidoma if you're not familiar, he comes from Dagara land from what is known as of Burkina Faso these days and these teachings that he brought to the world. Ultimately, if I were to distill them into one sort of digestible offering for you, it is a reminder that we all carry the indigenous spirit within and how can you connect to your indigenosity, and that every human on this planet has a sensation, a desire to belong to something. And we're at a time where the communities that we have belonged to for so long are most likely not working or not even existing anymore. And as the Earth is going through all these massive changes, our lives are changing. For many of us, the places we've lived, will change more and more, there will be people moving and shifting even more than they already have been.

Ra Ma:

And so there's this restructuring happening so that we can find our rightful communities and we can ground an anchor together to build, to architect this new Earth consciousness together. And so I imagine most likely, you've had to dissolve relationships and dreams, and you are at this moment of finding your footing this great process of shutting at times, it can feel paralyzing as in truth, none of us... there's not one person on the planet who really knows how we're going to land as a civilization of people. And that's exciting. And it's also terrifying.

Ra Ma:

So when I feel overwhelmed by all of this, I circled back to my first activation within the Great Pyramid in comet when I received this powerful, powerful presence that came to me and said, "Trust the process, all is in divine order." At times, it can be hard to trust the process because the process is not easy and it's not meant to be. However, it is the great work that we've come here to do. And so as we circle in this episode to explore our current astrology, we have come to the alignment of Virgo New Moon, we are working with these collective themes around the Virgin that earth mother in her multitude of manifestations including Bridgid, Ceres, Vesta, Isis, we might think to the sacred flame to deeper Earth mysteries to the holy unification of the Vesica Pisces and to the archetype of to Tahuti, Thoth as we welcome, as we begin to open the gates of the High Holy Days.

Ra Ma:

This Virgo New Moon aligned at 21 degrees 58 arc minutes on Thursday, the 14th of September at 9:39pm Eastern Daylight Time and Friday, the 15th of September at 2:39am. British Standard Time, each new moon opens up the frequency of a new lunar cycle that we're all working with, regardless if one is conscious of it or not. And so this lays the template of this lunar cycle that will then prepare us for the eclipses that are coming in October. When we think of this Virgo in energy. It is the archetype of the maiden, the organizer, the humble servant, the holistic healer. This is about mind body healing with a desire to really function efficiently while adapting to all that has been learned and achieved and integrated. And quite often when we look to pop culture Virgos are seen as perfectionists, as discerning people, a bit neurotic as anxious high strung. You'll hear that they make good editors and good secretaries. They are to serve as like nurses and caretakers. What Virgos are here to do is to analyze the situation, the information and to refine to elevate, to evolve to a higher level. And so when we think of this for going in season, it is a time of discrimination and discernment.

Ra Ma:

It is a time to reflect on all that has been experienced as we begin the Zodiacal wheel with Aries and travel through Taurus season and Gemini and Cancer. And Leo, and when we arrive at Virgo coming from that radiant royal archetype of Leo, there is this call to come into your humbleness, you take that regality. And that nobility and the prayer is to bring the palms together at the center of the heart and bow your head in service to a higher frequency. And you've been through quite a journey this summer with mercury retrograde and the Venus retrograde in Leo and we're at a time in the month of September as we open up this new lunar cycle in Virgo, it is a time to really distill the wisdom, to continue to integrate and recategorize, realign your life, refine all that you've been working through since June, July, August and September. So that come October, you're ready to deliver this new edition of who you are in this incarnation. How can you take this energy into a higher realization so that you may serve with a greater capacity, and your frequency may be received by others from that space of humble realization.

Ra Ma:

Virgo is often connected with the Virgin herself and Virgin is a term that has been distorted over time virgin is actually one who is in their sovereignty, who have sovereign power over their body and is making choices and decisions from that sovereign space within. For me, I connect this archetype of Virgo to the Nekhbet goddess and the primordial form of Isis, Goddess Auset, Goddess Iset, Isis. The Nekhbet is the vulture of Upper Egypt. This is the representation of the primordial bird form.

Ra Ma:

And it was after Isis's great journey to resurrect Osiris. She had this mission where she had to find the 14 parts of Osiris that had been spread across the land by his brother Set, his dark brother, Egyptian cosmology is so profound for these times, every archetype has a light and dark face to it to remind us of our wholeness as humans that were not meant to be one representation. We are full embodied beings. And so Isis went on this journey, she searched high and low, and she literally had to transform herself into the vulture in order to smell the flesh of her lover of her beloved King, Osiris. And so it was in this form that she could find the scattered pieces throughout the land of combat, and even beyond. It was quite a journey. And this mythos is one of the important stories that remain from ancient Kem.

Ra Ma:

When we think about the Nekhbet as a source of feminine power, we can think about our capacity to transform and transmute and to get into our bodies, to be instinctual, to know thyself, to know the workings of the cells of your being, the tissues, the muscles, the bones and the way everything comes together. And so this Virgo New Moon is offering you the capacity to activate the healer within. Virgo is the largest constellation in the sky. And this is a season where you're invited to really dive into your spleen, into your intestines, into your bowels, into your ability to digest and assimilate your life and to strengthen your nervous system.

Ra Ma:

This is going to be so important as we move into Eclipse Season and I'm offering a special very affordable mini course to support you during the eclipses this year and so I invite you to make sure you're receiving my weekly Venusian Love Notes that you have made my email address support@earthseedtemplearts.com, one of your contacts and if you're near a computer or device right now and you can go ahead and do that If I invite you to just pause this recording and do it right now or do it as I'm speaking, because I even get people who are messaging me who've had like one on one sessions, or they've written to me in the past, and I've responded, and my emails are still going into their spam folder. So please make sure that I am one of your contacts if you want to receive content from me, we live in such wild times, and the systems are shifting constantly. And if you know anything about the way that the world works through the landscape of technology, email is gold emails, really the only way that we know how to connect that is tried and true that and like texting, because social media platforms could fade away. So many things could change, someone could hack into your platform, and email is still one of the most secure ways. So I just take the time to share that message because I want to make sure you and I are able to stay connected with one another through these times.

Ra Ma:

This new moon in Virgo is asking you to anchor deeper into your body to know that embodiment is the key to manifestation meaning whatever it is you're working to achieve in your life. If you really want to drink the nectar of success, embodiment is everything. This is your capacity to raise your frequency and to raise your vibration. It is a great inner work. It is something that is done from deep within. And now more than ever, there are so many forces vying for your sacred time and attention, for your energy, your energy is your greatest currency. And we will be exploring ways that you can really stay in your sovereignty and in your power this eclipse season, so make sure you're on the lookout for the invitation to my Eclipse mini class. I want to emphasize that this Virgo New Moon is a new beginning that is offering you an opportunity to discern and refine specific aspects of your life. And you are encouraged to sift through the wisdom of the Venus and Mercury Retrograde to analyze any changes you've made any challenges that you've dissolved to embrace the gifts you've received to take note of the surprising revelations and the opportunities that these significant transits have offered you.

Ra Ma:

And with this new moon there's a really special moment as there is a Grand Earth Trine. A Grand Earth Trine occurs when every sign that is an earth sign is activated in a celestial moment. And when we think about the element of Earth, we think about our home, Mother Earth is our home. Terra Gaia is here to hold you. She knows your name. She knows your fears. She knows your worries, she knows your dreams. She knows your hopes. And it is so simple to connect to the earth. It's as simple as going outside and placing your bare hands and your bare feet on the earth and just opening your heart and having a conversation with her. And on this new moon. The Virgo in energy aligns with Taurus and Capricorn to help you manifest there is a Grand Earth between the sun and the moon Jupiter this planet of expansion and wisdom and higher knowledge and prosperity and Uranus this planet of genius solutions and unexpected revelations and infinite support and electricity velocity and Pluto the planet of resurrection through death and rebirth and renewal quite often deep within the psyche. There's a really profound moment with this new moon so you're highly supported to anchor your intentions, your seeds and to prosper and may you do so. May you cast your seeds of intention. May you project with positivity and prudence. May you allow your excellence to emerge. May you celebrate the great celestial Ma, The goddess of womb and tomb that nourishes you endlessly. May you affirm, "prosperity is my birthright. Prosperity is my birthright, prosperity is my birthright."

Ra Ma:

This is a powerful time to manifest your heart's desires dreams aground. As Venus and Juno are lined in Leo they are married, they are merged, the sacred union comes into light with this new moon as Black Moon Lilith and Mercury Retrograde are merging. And so you are reminded you are urged to watch the word. Your words are spells, weave with care, weave with compassion, be kind to yourself, be kind to others.

Ra Ma:

If you wish to go deeper this lunar cycle with a community of like minded folks and a container of astrological wisdom and celestial healing, I invite you to join Ma Magick. Now, you may do so by going to my website, Earthseedtemplearts.com. And if you sign up now, you will become a legacy member at a investment of $44 a month. And this will help you to avoid having to invest more when the membership fee increases, because the value of this container is worth over $200 a month and I am offering it at such a low rate because I really desire to be of service. I have a lot of Virgo energy. I want to support you through these times. And I know that it's important to feel nourished and held. And so those of you who are feeling the call to step into Ma Magick with us, come circle up. It's a beautiful community of people. Now on this Venus day, Friday, the 15th of September Mercury has shifted direct. It's happening at 4:22pm Eastern Daylight Time at eight degrees Virgo.

Ra Ma:

And so this planet of communication, knowledge, reason is shifting forward once more. However, Mercury will not clear the shadow until later in September towards the end of the month. And so between now and then you can expect hidden information to come to light, revelations to emerge and a greater sense of clarity as fall season aligns.

Ra Ma:

On Friday the 15th of September we also have the asteroid goddess Ceres shifting into Scorpio. Ceres represents that frequency of the woman, to the life cycles, the great nurture and nurture. She is quite often connected in with Mother Earth herself in myth, she is Demeter. She is Ceres. And I hearken her back to Great Mother Isis, Auset. So in the sign of Scorpio you are being called to nurture the hidden, what is unseen, what is uncharted to dive deep within your own psyche for the greatest revolutions and revelations.

Ra Ma:

And on Friday the 22nd of September we will align with the first quarter moon at the late degree of Sagittarius seeking to stretch you beyond your perceived limits. This moon will encourage you to reflect upon your Virgo New Moon intentions that you have cast and you will do so you have between the exact alignment of the Virgo New Moon up until this first quarter moon to write your seeds of intentions. As the first quarter moon aligns ask yourself "where are the dry and barren limitations that need to be burned for the future harvest?" Allow your mind to expand and imagine any perceived obstacle as an opportunity for grace and grit. Affirm: "I am a vibrational match for all of my desires. I am a vibrational match for all of my desires. I am a vibrational match for all of my desires."

Ra Ma:

And as we come to Saturday, Saturday the 23rd of September we welcome equinox and the sun shifts into Libra. Equinox occurs at 2:50am Eastern Daylight Time and 7:50am British Standard Time. For the majority of people on earth we are welcoming in the Fall Equinox the season of Mabon because the majority of the population lives in the northern hemisphere. However brothers and sisters in the southern hemisphere you all are welcoming in the spring equinox that frequency of Ostara. Equinox equates to equal day an equal night. This is why you can balance and an egg at the exact moment, a raw egg. It's really powerful. I welcome you to play with that. And so with equinox an inate balance is emerging within you, a moment. As the sun shifts into Libra, you are invited to dance with cooperation and harmony. We welcome the polarities of light and dark, young and old, feminine and masculine, yin and young, conscious and unconscious. This is a time of balancing of reconciling opposites and clearing up debris, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

Ra Ma:

We welcome the dragon currents as the dragon here in the North begins to go deeper into the earth for a restorative rest. And in the southern hemisphere, the dragon is waking up, coming into the light coming into action and activity. Here in the north we are welcoming in the root energy and so it is a time of bringing in more rest, more sleep to renew our souls to prepare for the long term incubation, to dream a new dream and also to celebrate the harvest, to meditate at trees and to feel the descending energies, to connect with the plant bulbs and the plant spirits. This is a profound time to clear your sacred spaces, clear your altars, go through your closets, go through your car, go through your office, go through your drawers, clear out that which no longer serves you, pass it along, dispose of it, consciously go to your altars, make them bare, wipe them down, bathe and tend to your crystal allies.

Ra Ma:

These are living sentient beings, honor them, clear them in running water, not salt. I do not recommend salt. It will erode them. You can place them on the earth and let them clear and go to sleep on the earth overnight. Meditate. Create bundles of herbs for sachets, make the preparations for the beginning of winter, prepare your land, chop your wood, whatever you need to do. This Equinox heralds Libra season and so we're welcoming the archetype of the diplomat, the Peacekeeper, the seeker of Justice, the mediator, the lover, the judge for me, Libra season invokes the Egyptian goddess of justice, of truth, Ma'at and this is a time to honor yourself in all of your relations and to ask how do you consider one another? How may you collaborate and cooperate more harmoniously? You may invite these questions into your life as a living prayer. Perhaps begin within and ask these questions. In regards to your relationship with yourself. For special ritual, you may wish to build an equinox shrine it can be quite potent to do this outdoors, to sit in sacred space and speak your gratitude to make space to begin a new as you honor the reconciliation of opposites and affirm, I relate with gratitude for the harvest. I bless the bounty that the secret life offers. I give thanks for the elements that feed the Sacred Hoop.

Ra Ma:

And so I invite you just after the equinox if you're going to be in the Chicago area to come meet up with me at the pyramid conference happening just north of Chicago from the 22nd through the 24th of September. I will be speaking on the 23rd of September Saturday at 3pm. I'm giving a talk on pyramids as portals for time bending. And I'm really excited about this conference. I feel so honored to be part of the presentations and to be surrounded by so many amazing people from all over the world who have been working in the realm of pyramid consciousness which is something that is really near and dear to my heart. So if you're interested in joining us, the link is in the show notes and when you reserve your ticket there is a space to say how you heard about the conference and please say that Rama sent you because they are keeping tabs on all of that just said They know about numbers and whatnot. So it would be awesome if you could do that.

Ra Ma:

Ma Magick is your gateway to cosmic mastery. This is a monthly journey into meditation, Star medicine, Goddes consciousness and elemental wisdom. So you may join now as a legacy member and lock in the monthly subscription for $44 before this investment increases, and within this manifestation council for wisdom keepers, you will receive a monthly astrological transit calendar, a new moon transmission which is similar to these podcasts but much more in depth, a new moon intention setting guide a first quarter monthly meditation and tea community circle where we gather live and connect with one another, a full moon celestial sound healing which is a live offering and it is a recorded broadcast via video to celebrate the full moon with an astrological transmission and a sound healing. You'll also receive last quarter moon reflections a balsamic Moon prompt for dream time, a cosmic playlist community connection and a discount code for private sessions with yours truly. So the total value for this is over $240 a month. And again, I'd love for you to step in the portal with us you can visit Earthseed temple arts.com to learn more and to join us to meet us within the mystery and also the link is in the show notes if you need that.

Ra Ma:

I also am offering an Aries Full Moon cosmic sound bath and that is a part of the Ma Magick membership. So if you sign up as a member, you're going to automatically gain access into this or you can sign up just for this. It's a $33 investment. It will be on Thursday the 28th of September 8 to 9:30pm Eastern Daylight Time. It will be live virtually offered for anyone in the world and there will be a recording.

Ra Ma:

Finally, the Eclipse mini course claim your sovereignty will be launching very soon. So make sure you're receiving the weekly Venusian Love Notes to stay in the loop as this course is going to be packed with so much info and practices so that you may thrive in this October's Eclipse portal.

Ra Ma:

As always, I am here for private sessions to support you on your journey of transformation as you navigate these radical times. You may book at Earthseedtemplearts and I would love to witness you at the threshold. Once more. I just want to remind you what a potent portal we're in. Watch your word. Your words are spells, weave with care and compassion. Be kind to yourself and others.

Ra Ma:

Thank you so much for circling up in this 100th anniversary episode of Stars, stones and stories. I am so grateful for you. May there be peace to the east. May there be peace to the south. May there be peace to the west, may there be peace to the north. May there be peace deep, deep, deep down within the heart of Mother Earth Terra Gaia. And may all beings on earth feel the radiance and the prosperity of this planet and remember their purpose. May this peace spiral out through the cosmos, beyond time and space and elevate all beings and may that eternal peace thread deep into your heart. Breathe in this peace, receive this peace. Know that you are blessed. Know that you are held, know that you belong and so it is, and so it is, and so it is, blessed be.

Ra Ma:

Thank you so much for sharing sacred space. I invite you to dive into my offerings of alchemical astrology Mystery School teachings and global pilgrimages at Earthseedtemple arts.com. Ensure you're receiving my weekly Venusian Love Notes, delivered each Friday to your inbox and you can sign up for those at Earthseedtemplearts.com

Ra Ma:

You may follow me on YouTube at Earthseedtemplearts, Instagram at Earthseedtemplearts and also at starsstonesandstories on Instagram where you will receive regular insights and updates about our current cosmic weather. My prayer is that you fully awaken to the reality that you are a hologram for the collective by being fierce and your authentic truth you have the opportunity to elevate life on this exquisite Planet Earth. Crystallize your Medicine.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Stars, Stones and Stories: Ancient Future Myth & Astrology
Stars, Stones and Stories: Ancient Future Myth & Astrology
Crystalize Your Medicine

About your host

Profile picture for Ra Ma

Ra Ma

Awaken Your Star Heritage through Goddess Astrology, Cosmology, and Pilgrimage within GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA.

RaMa Danielle-Marie, the pillar of this Ancient Future Mystery School is an interdisciplinary artist, international woman of medicine, alchemical astrologer, cosmic high priestess, doula, childbirth educator, herbalist, gridkeeper, pilgrimage steward, sound healer and yogic scientist. She has studied the art of starkeeping for over 30 years and holds a Master of Arts in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology with Merit through The Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales.

RaMa practices Goddess Astrology, her alchemical blend of Ancient and Modern Western techniques that activate the Ancient Future Feminine frequency within you. RaMa is dedicated to aligning the spiritual realms with academic intelligence. Her astrological practice leans upon yogic philosophy and an extensive practice of mediation, sound healing, ancestral healing and Daoist stone medicine.

RaMa offers Quantum Healing Hypnosis journeys as taught by Dolores Cannon, serving as a consciousness midwife. She leads annual pilgrimages upon the Magdalene Trail to Egypt, Avalon and the South of France.

GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA Ancient Future Mystery School houses a living library of courses like RaMa's signature EarthSeed and Skywalkers. A thriving private online community is woven through The Chalice. Initiates are led on a path of deep internal self-discovery with programs like Goddess Astrology and Grail Quest.

You may discover more at ancientfuturemystery.school where every offering is a living prayer for you to Cultivate Deep Roots and Make Miracles with the Cosmos.